X11 blinking cursor in text window like 'gvim' - only halts if moved-over another X11-win

Jon Turney jon.turney@dronecode.org.uk
Fri Apr 9 14:41:06 GMT 2021

On 07/04/2021 01:27, L A Walsh wrote:
> I don't recall this always being this way as I keep running into
> a problem with my input going into the wrong window.
> I've noted I seem to be relying on which editor(i.e. gvim)
> window in X11 has focus by noting that it has a
> blinking square cursor in the window at the cursor's
> current position in the edited text.
> If I move the windows cursor to another editor window in X11,
> the blinking cursor moves to the new window, but if I move
> it to a native window, the blinking doesn't stop.
> Has this always been this way?

I think so, yes.

See [1] et seq. for a discussion of what I think is the same problem, 
where the Cygwin X server doesn't notify X windows of a focus loss when 
the focus moves to a non-X window.

Unfortunately, my attempts at fixing this just introduced more problems 
(see [2],[3] et seq.), and so were reverted.

[1] https://sourceware.org/legacy-ml/cygwin/2017-04/msg00168.html
[2] https://sourceware.org/legacy-ml/cygwin/2017-04/msg00278.html
[3] https://sourceware.org/pipermail/cygwin/2017-May/232564.html

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