python3 packages

Marco Atzeri
Mon Dec 27 16:48:23 GMT 2021

On 27.12.2021 13:53, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
> There are python3* cygiwin packages obsoleted by python36* packages, e.g.
> python36-numpy. As python36* is basically obsolete itself now, it
> creates an impression
> that there are no python39* etc available.

Hi Dima,

I suggest to follow the Cygwin Announce list.

The 36 is a residual of old settings in the tool (cygport) we use
to build and package the Cygwin programs.

I am planning to change it to 39 in the near future.

> Also, I noticed that python-numpy-1.21.4-1.src/python-numpy.cygport
> from python-numpy-src/python-numpy-1.21.4-1-src
> is not it the source git repo
> is this a bug?

No, just that building the package and uploading to the git
repository are two different steps.
I am a bit behind on the second one, as I am also moving
my packages and their history from the old personal repository
to the current shared one.

You can use the Cygwin Setup to download the source package,
or download from any mirror the file as:

its content is

$ tar -tf python-numpy-1.21.4-1-src.tar.xz

> Dmitrii


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