Cygwin doesn't handle SIGWINCH properly in Windows Terminal

L A Walsh
Sun Feb 14 20:44:32 GMT 2021

On 2021/02/14 00:43, Takashi Yano via Cygwin wrote:
> This is because cygwin console handles SIGWINCH when the input
> messages is processed. If the process does not call either read()
> or select(), SIGWINCH will not be sent. This is the long standing
> problem of the implementation and hard to fix.
> ....
> This seems to be a bug of console code. I will submit a patch
> for this issue.
I'd be careful 'fixing' this, as it seems to work the same
way on linux / bash.

I have this func setup on bash_profile & bashrc on
both cygwin and linux:

# display new size of terminal when resized
showsize () {\
  declare s=$(stty size); s="(${s// /x})"  ;\
  printf "%s" "$s${s//?/$'\b'}"       ;\
}; export -f showsize

trap showsize SIGWINCH
Of note, on linux, I didn't have to reset LINES/COLUMNS,
however, on cygwin, I note that I should.

Oh well -- that a bug?

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