Aw: Re: Re: Re: Recompilation problems opencv (python3-cv2 --> python3.8)
Fri Jan 15 08:13:48 GMT 2021

Gesendet: Donnerstag, 14. Januar 2021 um 23:52 Uhr

> Please try by downloading the complete Cygwin source package, and try a vanilla
> rebuild first with zero changes, then change only the .cygport VERSION= to the
> latest, rebuild, and fix any problems with that as you go.

I have done the following

mkdir opencv
cd opencv
git clone .
cygport opencv.cygport fetch
cygport opencv.cygport all

Same error.

Is there any other location where I could get the opencv source package from?

Btw. there is no need to change to another Version, I just want to have cv2 also in python3.8 working. From what I have experienced with this package I assume that this would also not compile with python3.6 atm. Seems to be a cmake or gcc error to me.

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