GLX and libX11

Michael Enright
Sun Jan 24 23:46:20 GMT 2021

On Sun, Jan 24, 2021 at 5:38 AM Marco Atzeri via Cygwin
<> wrote:
> Have you started the program from inside a XTerm  with a running
> XServer ?

I compiled and ran the program in a mintty window, while X server was
started and the environment variable DISPLAY was set. It ran
perfectly. I don't have XTerm installed, it would probably have taken
care of the DISPLAY variable.

I started a second mintty window and started the program from there
without setting DISPLAY, and the program complained "cannot connect to
X server".

I think Rafał started the program from a shell which had DISPLAY set,
but @Rafał if you could confirm that it would help a bit. I think some
Cygwin X components may be missing. The reason I think this is the
message that says the Windows DRI extension is missing, which I guess
is awfully specific.

It occurs to me that starting XTerm would be a useful diagnostic, but
if "Windows DRI" is missing, XServer probably can't start, never mind
"Windows DRI extension"

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