Hope I Haven’t Offended

Nataliya Kalava nataliya.kalava@virtual-connect.us
Tue Nov 9 13:16:55 GMT 2021


                Hope my note finds you well.

I would like to send you a target B2B list. We can help you reach out to your specific prospects effectively.

Industries: - Healthcare, Technology, Financial, Transportation, Retail, Media, Manufacturing, Aerospace, Automotive, Hospitality, Electronics, Food & Beverage, Construction, Educational, HVAC, Leasing etc.

If you would like to review a tester file, let us know your list parameters i.e.

Industrial Sectors you serve across: -      _________________?
Job Titles you wish to contact: -__ _________________?
Geographic locations of your reach: -________________?

Looking forward to delivering customized and quality tester leads upon your request.

Thank you for your time and we hope to hear from you soon.

Nataliya Kalava
Sr. Business Development Manager.

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