Maximizing windows during "git log" locks mintty both in "Git for Windows" and cygwin 3.4.3

Francesco Pretto
Tue Jan 10 15:50:26 GMT 2023


I want to report a bug in mintty that is mostly suffered by "Git for
Windows" users, which in version they are using mintty 3.6.1.
The bug has been reported in this "Git for Windows" issue[1].
Basically maximizing the mintty window during a "git log" session
locks the tty session and the window must be quit/killed. I can
reproduce within a vanilla cygwin mintty 3.6.3 session, which is
present in the latest cygwin 3.4.3, using the same "Git for Windows"
git binary. To reproduce;

- Open a cygwin mintty window, keep it **default** size, don't maximize here;
- Go to a git repository directory;
- Enter "git log" (I'm using the git binary from "Git for Windows",
location "/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Git/cmd/git";
- Maximize the window;
- Try to exit "git log" by pressing "q" -> lock!

There was some debate of who was supposed to report the issue to this
ML. Please, ask for more details "Git for Windows" maintainers, if you
need, either by contacting them here/privately or writing to their
Github issue.

Francesco Pretto


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