Noticeable delay in copy paste

Tue Jul 4 19:10:38 GMT 2023

On 7/4/23, ravi r via Cygwin <> wrote:
> After two years of using an older version of cygwin, a week ago, I
>        CYGWIN_NT-10.0-19045 version 3.4.7-1.x86_64
> (runneradmin@fv-az416-306) (gcc version 11.4.0 (GCC) ) 2023-06-16
> 14:04 UTC
> upgraded cygwin to the latest version.
> Ever since the upgrade, I see noticeable delay in copy pasting text
> from Chrome browser to 'vim' editor session
> running inside a xterm under fvwm.
> Need assistance on additional commands that I could  run to find the
> cause of this issue.

Maybe this will help


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