scp and ssh 'cat' stalls at 64k bytes

Chris Roehrig
Sat Jun 24 07:47:09 GMT 2023

On 2023-06-23 22:35, Brian Inglis wrote:
> On 2023-06-23 20:19, Dan Harkless via Cygwin wrote:
> Before you resort to trawling through source, did you try a fresh 
> Cygwin install (either to a different directory, or after temporarily 
> moving your current tree)? Sometimes, e.g. if you use the same 
> "packages" directory between two different versions of Windows, I've 
> found that Cygwin can get screwed up in strange ways.

Good thought.   Yes, one of my machines is a new Win11 with a fresh Cygwin.

> On each system have you run /usr/bin/ssh-user-config, and run 
> /usr/bin/ssh-host-config from an elevated admin account, customized or 
> added host keys appropriately to /etc/sshd_config, /etc/ssh_config,
> ~/.ssh/{config,known_hosts,authorized_keys}, /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*

  I think they're all set up correctly.    ssh/slogin/rsync/scp all work 
great and have been for years.   It's only this weird issue in specific 
cases with files > 64K.

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