Another confusing error from someone else's Cygwin setup

Mike Gran
Tue Jun 27 02:08:37 GMT 2023

> On Monday, June 26, 2023 at 04:36:30 PM PDT, David Karr via Cygwin <> wrote: 

> m seeing a problem with someone else's Cygwin setup, sort of similar to a
> problem I asked about a couple of weeks ago, in that it's a problem with
> the same user, but seemingly a completely different problem.


> He was getting a weird error on line 3, just saying this:
> ---------------------
> ...: line 3: syntax error near unexpected token `$'{\r''
> ...: line 3: `main() {
> ---------------

If you run bash with the "-o igncr" option, it will ignore extraneous
carriage return characters.

But the characters are there in the first place because your
script has been converted into using Windows line endings:
carriage return + linefeed.

You didn't say how the script was transferred, but lots
of programs could add returns when you transfer something
to windows: git or ftp just to name a few.

You both could try running "bash --version".  The first line should
say something like
"GNU bash, version 5.2.15(3)-release (x86_64-pc-cygwin)"

Note the "pc-cygwin" at the end.

Mike Gran

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