update pytz to 2023.2/2023b tzdata?

Brian Inglis Brian.Inglis@Shaw.ca
Mon Mar 27 00:13:31 GMT 2023

On 2023-03-26 14:45, Brian Inglis via Cygwin wrote:
> On 2023-03-07 22:11, Marco Atzeri wrote:
>> On 07.03.2023 22:35, marco atzeri wrote:
>>> On Tue, Mar 7, 2023 at 10:18 PM Brian Inglis wrote:
>>>> On 2022-03-20 10:00, Brian Inglis wrote:
>>>>> On 2021-12-21 09:06, Marco Atzeri wrote:
>>>>>> python39-pytz                           2021.3-1
>>>> Update needed to 2022g/2022.7.1 as a new Mexican zone was added since
>>>> 2021c/2021.3 due to Mexican changes conflicting with US practices, affecting
>>>> border towns:
>> 2022.7.1 is up
> Thanks Marco,
> Looks like pytz needs another update as tzdata was updated twice this week!
> Some middle eastern governments just realized Ramadan was during DST ;^>
> $ pytz-date.py "%Y %b %d %a %T %Z%z" Asia/Beirut
> 2023 Mar 26 Sun 20:41:45 UTC+0000       zoneinfo        UTC
> 2023 Mar 26 Sun 22:41:45 EET+0200       zoneinfo        Asia/Beirut
> 2023 Mar 26 Sun 23:41:45 EEST+0300      pytz            Asia/Beirut

I am unfamiliar with python and pytz, and I had a *local* pip install of pytz, 
which looks like it was overriding the Cygwin install.
After doing a local pip uninstall and Cygwin reinstall, with updated tzdata 
only, it appears that current pytz may now be giving the correct results:

$ ./pytz-date.py +"%Y %b %d %a %T %Z%z" Asia/Beirut
2023 Mar 27 Mon 00:05:57 UTC+0000       zoneinfo        UTC
2023 Mar 27 Mon 00:05:57 UTC+0000       pytz            UTC
2023 Mar 27 Mon 02:05:57 EET+0200       zoneinfo        Asia/Beirut
2023 Mar 27 Mon 02:05:57 EET+0200       pytz            Asia/Beirut

so an updated release may not be required?
There have been no zone changes, just DST rules.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis              Calgary, Alberta, Canada

La perfection est atteinte                   Perfection is achieved
non pas lorsqu'il n'y a plus rien à ajouter  not when there is no more to add
mais lorsqu'il n'y a plus rien à retirer     but when there is no more to cut
                                 -- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
-------------- next part --------------
# pytz-date.py - print current UTC, zoneinfo and pytz date time
#                in optional format "+"$1 in zone $#

from datetime import datetime
from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo
from pytz import timezone
import pytz
import sys
import os

TZ          = "TZ"                      # env var
GMT         = "GMT"                     # ref zones
GMTP0       = "GMT+0"
GMTM0       = "GMT-0"
UTC         = "UTC"
refs        = [ UTC , GMT , GMTP0 , GMTM0 ]
FMT         = "%c %Z%z"
zi_fmt      = "%tzoneinfo%t"
pytz_fmt    = "%tpytz%t%t"

dt_fmt      = FMT
tz          = os.getenv( TZ, UTC)       # TZ env var else UTC
argc        = len( sys.argv )
argn        = 1

# $1 +fmt optional override
if argc > argn and sys.argv[argn][0] == "+":
    dt_fmt  = sys.argv[argn][1:]
    argn   += 1

# $# zone
if argc > argn:
    tz  = sys.argv[argn]

# zone ref UTC
zones = [ UTC ]
# add arg if not same as ref
if tz not in refs:
    zones = zones + [ tz ]

# print ref and arg with zoneinfo and pytz
for z in zones:
# TZ=z  date    +"f" - zoneinfo
        print( datetime.now( ZoneInfo( z )).strftime( dt_fmt + zi_fmt + z ))
# TZ=z  date    +"f" - pytz
        print( datetime.now().astimezone( timezone( z )).strftime( dt_fmt + pytz_fmt + z ))

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