[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: unifont, unifont-fonts, unifont-viewer 15.0.02

Cygwin unifont Maintainer via Cygwin-announce cygwin-announce@cygwin.com
Mon May 22 15:59:03 GMT 2023

The following packages have been upgraded in the Cygwin distribution:

* unifont		15.0.02
* unifont-viewer	15.0.02
* unifont-fonts		15.0.02

GNU Unifont is a Unicode font with a glyph for every visible
Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane code point and more, with supporting
utilities to modify the font. The Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane
covers the first 65,536 (or 2^16) Unicode code points.


As it says below in the release notes, this is the last Unifont release
which will include Truetype format Unifont by default.
It is the first Cygwin release which also includes Opentype format
As these fonts are bitmap glyphs rendered into modern font formats, both
formats should render the same glyphs.
All modern systems support both Opentype and Truetype format fonts, so
there should be few or no issues if future releases provide only
Opentype format Unifont, which are also less than half the file size of
the Truetype format.
If anyone encounters issues using the Opentype format Unifont in place
of the Truetype format Unifont, please let us know before the next
release, so we can address any issues, or possibly continue to also
provide the Truetype format Unifont.

For more information see the project home page:


For changes since the previous release, see below or read
/usr/share/doc/unifont/NEWS after installation.

See also Release Notes under:


2023-05-20: Release 15.0.02

   * N.B.: This is the last planned version to build TrueType
     font files as part of the standard font build.
     In the future, only OpenType font files will be part of
     the ordinary font building using the hex2otf program.
     TrueType fonts will have to be built manually.
   * Minor update to allow for separate building of TrueType
     and OpenType fonts. This is in preparation for the future
     removal of TrueType font files from default font builds,
     in preference for OpenType font files. That change is
     planned for the release of Unifont 15.1.01, which will
     correspond to the release of the Unicode 15.1.0 standard
     scheduled for September 2023.
   * Added Doxygen annotation to C programs and corresponding
     ".h" header files. Annotated output is generated in a
     new "doxygen" subdirectory. Doxygen output consists of
     a browsable set of HTML pages and a hyperlinked PDF document.
   * Updates to make files to fix issues with redundant building
     under some circumstances.
   * Added 196 Plane 2 and Plane 3 Chinese ideographs drawn by
     湖 远星 to the basic Unifont font files for coverage of
     the General Standard Chinese Characters set. Also added
     biang glyphs drawn by Ming Fan.
   * Fullwidth CJK characters that appeared to be boldface in
     the range U+FF00..U+FFEF were updated using glyphs from
     Wen Quan Yi, with some modifications.

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