Bug in GCC / libstdc++: Space character categorized as non-printable by std::ctype<wchar_t>

ASSI Stromeko@nexgo.de
Sat Jul 27 06:58:20 GMT 2024

Kristian Spangsege via Cygwin writes:
> In C++, a space character is reported as non-printable by
> `std::ctype<wchar_t>` in the "C" locale (the only locale supported by
> `std::ctype`). In other words, the following expression evaluates to
> `false`:
>     ctype.is(std::ctype_base::print, ctype.widen(' '))
> where `ctype` is obtained by `std::use_facet<std::ctype<wchar_t>>(loc)` and
> `loc` is the "C" locale.
> It should have been evaluated to `true` because a space character is
> required by the C++ standard to be categorized as printable.
> Also, it is reported as printable by `std::iswprint(int ch)`.
> Also, the non-wide space character is reported as printable, i.e,
> `std::use_facet<std::ctype<char>>(loc)::is(std::ctype_base::print, ' ')` is
> `true`.
> Also, `ctype.is(std::ctype_base::print, ctype.widen(' '))` is `true` with
> MinGW, with GCC on Linux, and with Visual Studio.

This sounds like it might be a bug in newlib, so you should either
report it there or else it would be the newlib integration for gcc.  In
any case this needs to be fixed upstream.

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