Technical reason why 32bit Cygwin cannot be installed on 64bit Windows?

Mark Geisert
Sat May 18 23:17:47 GMT 2024

> Is there a technical reason why 32bit Cygwin cannot be installed on
> 64bit Windows? has the following...

=A note about 32-bit Cygwin

=The limited address space of 32-bit Windows means that random failures 
=in the fork(2) system call are more likely. Therefore, we recommend 
=using 32-bit Cygwin only in limited scenarios, with only a minimum of 
=necessary packages installed, and only if there's no way to run 64-bit 
=Cygwin instead.

FWIW Although this wording seems to indicate Cygwin is still supported 
on 32-bit Windows, just discouraged, no Cygwin DLL since 3.3.6 has been 
released for 32-bit Windows.  Features of later Cygwin DLLs are unlikely 
to be backported.  I look forward (not) to future discussions about what 
merits a backport or updated release and who should be doing it.


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