Technical reason why 32bit Cygwin cannot be installed on 64bit Windows?

Jon Turney
Sun May 19 15:24:17 GMT 2024

On 17/05/2024 10:30, Dimitry Andric via Cygwin wrote:
> On 17 May 2024, at 09:48, Cedric Blancher via Cygwin <> wrote:
>> Is there a technical reason why 32bit Cygwin cannot be installed on
>> 64bit Windows? We like to create a CI build pipeline, and want to
>> create binaries for 32bit and 64bit Cygwin on the same machine, but
>> setup.exe for 32bir Cygwin refuses to install
> How exactly does it "refuse to install" ? If it says "mbox : Cygwin is not supported on 32-bit Windows", you may not have followed the instructions at, which say:

This links to

which contains those instructions (and is kept up to date).

I'm not entirely sure how the OP managed to obtain an x86 installer, 
without coming across those instructions.

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