
lsattr — List file attributes


lsattr [-Radln] [FILE...]

lsattr -h | -V


  -R, --recursive     recursively list attributes of directories and their
  -V, --version       display the program version
  -a, --all           list all files in directories, including files that
                      start with '.'
  -d, --directory     list directories like other files, rather than listing
                      their contents.
  -l, --long          print options using long names instead of single
                      character abbreviations
  -n, --no-headers    don't print directory headers when recursing
  -h, --help          this help text


The lsattr program allows to list file attributes, namely DOS attributes, file sparseness, FS level encryption and compression state, as well as directories' case sensitivity setting.

Supported attributes:

  'r', 'Readonly':      file is read-only, directory is system-marked
  'h', 'Hidden':        file or directory is hidden
  's', 'System':        file or directory that the operating system uses
  'a', 'Archive':       file or directory has the archive marker set
  't', 'Temporary':     file is being used for temporary storage
  'S', 'Sparse':        file is sparse
  'r', 'Reparse':       file or directory that has a reparse point
  'c', 'Compressed':    file or directory is compressed
  'o', 'Offline':       the data of a file is moved to offline storage
  'n', 'Notindexed':    file or directory is not to be indexed by the
                        content indexing service
  'e', 'Encrypted':     file is encrypted
  'C', 'Casesensitive': directory is handled case sensitive
                        (Windows 10 1803 or later, local NTFS only,
                         WSL must be installed)