Updated: libwmf-

Gerrit P. Haase gerrit@familiehaase.de
Tue Aug 16 14:19:00 GMT 2005

libwmf has been updated to version

This is an update to latest upstream release.

libwmf is a library for reading vector images in MicrosÞft's native
WindÞws Metafile Format (WMF) and for either (a) displaying them in,
e.g., an X window; or (b) converting them to more standard/open file
formats such as, e.g., the W3C's XML-based Scaleable Vector Graphic
(SVG) format. Currently bindings exist for conversion to: 

- the following vector image formats:
    (& Encapsulated) PostScript (EPS & PS)
    Facility for Interactive Generation of graphics (FIG)
    Scaleable Vector Graphic (SVG)

- the following raster image formats:
    Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
    Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)

Official homepage: http://wvware.sourceforge.net/libwmf.html

To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link on
the http://cygwin.com/ web page.  This downloads setup.exe to your
system.  Save it and run setup, answer the questions and pick up
'libwmf' from the 'Graphics' category, if you install it for the first
time, click on the 'skip' field next to 'libwmf' until '' is

Note that downloads from sources.redhat.com (aka cygwin.com) aren't
allowed due to bandwidth limitations.  This means that you will need
to find a mirror which has this update, please choose the one nearest to
you: http://cygwin.com/mirrors.html

Another cygwin mirror that is not listed there (AFAIK) is:

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Gerrit P. Haase

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