Updated: checkx-0.2.0-2

Charles Wilson cygwin@cwilson.fastmail.fm
Sun Nov 19 06:15:00 GMT 2006

checkX is a little utility I wrote that tests to see if (a) the X11 
client DLLs are installed on the machine, and (b) the Xserver on 
$DISPLAY (or -d x.x.x.x:x) is running and usable.


* fix packaging bug in 0.2.0-1 (thx Dr. Volker Zell)

It does not link against the Xll libraries itself, but attempts to 
dlopen it, using a fuzzy name/path search.  Both the search path and the 
target name are explicitly overridable via commandline arguments.

In its default mode, checkX returns a 0 status if X is present, 1 
otherwise, and generates no output.  It is intended for use in scripts, 
which need to intelligently decide whether to launch an X-based 
application or a non-X (native MS Gui?  console?) one.

Usage: checkX [OPTION]...
Determines if X is installed, Xserver is running on specified DISPLAY
and will accept clients. Returns 0 if yes, nonzero otherwise

   -h|--help             print this help message and exit
   -v|--version          print version information and exit
   -d|--display STR      use STR instead of $DISPLAY
   -l|--location         print location of Xlib DLL on stdout
   -a|--appendpath STR   append STR to value of $PATH (cumulative)
   -p|--prependpath STR  prepend STR to value of $PATH (cumulative)
   -r|--replacepath STR  use STR instead of $PATH when searching
   -x|--xlibname STR     use exactly STR instd of fuzzy cygX11-n.dll
   -t|--timeout FLT      allow FLT seconds to connect with Xserver
                         defaults to 0.5, use 0.0 for Xlib's (safe, 12s)
      --nogui            disable informational popups
      --notty            disable stderr messages
      --debug            turn on debugging messages
      --no-silent        allow error, warning, and info messages
Note that -a defaults to '/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin'.  To eliminate the 
default, use '-a ""'

Charles Wilson
checkx volunteer maintainer for cygwin

To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link on
the http://cygwin.com/ web page.  This downloads setup.exe to your
system.  Then, run setup and answer all of the questions.


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