
Charles Wilson cwilson@ece.gatech.edu
Thu Jun 27 21:34:00 GMT 2002

Chris January wrote:

> Ok. Do you have any thoughts on where I should put ps.exe and kill.exe?

I ended up renaming 'clear.exe' from the ncurses dist to 'clearn.exe' to 
avoid conflicts with the 'clear' package.  (In ncurses, 'clear.exe' is 
not a 'test' program, so it didn't go into bin/ncurses-test-*/; it went 
into ${prefix}/bin -- hence the conflict which required rename)

> They need to be somewhere other than /bin, but available should the user
> wish to use them. Perhaps I could rename them instead? procps.exe and
> prockill.exe, although those names are a little unweidly.
> If anyone has any ideas, then please make a suggestion.

pps.exe and pkill.exe ?  Actually, proc*.exe isn't bad -- and the user 
can always alias whatever he wants.


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