ATTN maintainers: tetex, emacs, WindowMaker

Charles Wilson
Tue Jul 22 07:03:00 GMT 2003

I have recently split the tiff package into three:

   libtiff3 (post-1.5.0, libtiff4)

I have taken the liberty of updating the setup.hint files on the server
for the following packages:


so that they now require: libtiff3 and not tiff.  However, the new test:
release of tiff [1.5.0-ready] is different.  The library package for
post-1.5.0 is NOT libtiff3, but is instead libtiff4.  This
change was required by the ripple effect of the ABI change in libjpeg.

Anyway, this means that when you update (recompile) these packages for
1.5.0, you'll need to change the requires to libtiff4, even though I've
just changed them from tiff to libtiff4.

And people wonder why it's taking me so long to update my library 
packages.  Fortunately, I'm almost done...just jbigkit and xpm-nox left 
to go.  Then I get to start on my executable-only, unzip, 
cvs, ...
   Charles Wilson
   cygwin at removespam cwilson dot fastmail dot fm

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