setup 2.427 runtime error

David A. Cobb
Mon Aug 30 16:38:00 GMT 2004

Igor Pechtchanski wrote:

>On Mon, 30 Aug 2004, Max Bowsher wrote:
>>David A. Cobb wrote:
>>>I downloaded the .tar.bz2 file, which is probably meant to be the
>>>source.  However, bunzip2 says it is not a (valid) bzip2 file.
>>>In my experience, this is often caused by the server passing an
>>>incorrect MIME type from which the http download module of my browser
>>>(Mozilla Firefox) infers incorrectly that the file is text.
>>It *is* the source. Mozilla 1.7.2 handles it correctly.
>>Server headers:
>>I suspect Firefox may have unhelpfully un-bzip2ed it dynamically, but not
>>removed the .bz2 suffix.
>Firefox doesn't do this, but the mirror itself may have.
>	Igor
Seems a strange thing to do -- that would INCREASE the size of the 
How can I tell?  Assume it's a tar and try untar'ing it I guess.

I tried viewing it with Xemacs to see if there is any interesting magic 
numbers at the beginning. 
That says "[i\226.... has size -9767899064 -- corrupted".  I'll pull 
down another copy and see what happens.

David A. Cobb, Software Engineer, Public Access Advocate
"By God's Grace, I am a Christian man; by my actions a great sinner." -- The Way of a Pilgrim: R.French, Tr.
Life is too short to tolerate crappy software!

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