ddd-3.3.8-1 packaging error

Christopher Faylor cgf-no-personal-reply-please@cygwin.com
Tue Jan 27 19:45:00 GMT 2004

On Tue, Jan 27, 2004 at 11:52:22AM -0500, Harold L Hunt II wrote:
>Brian Ford wrote:
>>This is just a note to Harold so he can correct this error for his next
>>ddd release (whenever that is).  Ddd is an X11 app, so it should be
>>rooted in /usr/X11R6 rather than /usr.
>I don't know if it is an error so much as something that I have been
>struggling with.  There is a general consensus in the X community that
>/usr/X11R6 needs to just go away.  I am trying to put as few new things
>there as necessary (if a package can be used at all without X, then it
>doesn't need to be there, IMHO).  Now, the real question is whether I
>made a conscious decision to root the package in /usr versus just
>forgetting to change it to /usr/X11R6?  I can't recall doing either of
>these...  so I really can't say if I was being strong minded or
>forgetful :)

Just in case it matters: I might have been bothered by X stuff showing
up in /usr/bin in the past (I can't remember but it sounds like
something I'd be annoyed about) but this directory does seem to be
deprecated.  So, there are no objections from my part on putting X stuff
into /usr/bin.


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