Putting packages up for adoption

Jan Nijtmans jan.nijtmans@gmail.com
Tue Mar 24 14:11:51 GMT 2020

Op di 24 mrt. 2020 om 14:51 schreef Yaakov Selkowitz:
> > However, I created a "fedora" branch in (upstream) Tcl, in which
> > I merged the two patches from fedora. Result:
> >      <https://travis-ci.org/github/tcltk/tcl/builds/666214831>
> The errors I see there are "Test file error: can't find package
> tcltests", which sounds like an issue with the test environment and not
> on those changes.

The point is, Tcl has a specific order of paths where it searches its
environment, like an $auto_path variable. The test-suite tests
this algorithm, and - apparently - the outcome of the algorith
changed. You can add additional paths, but you cannot change
the order of existing paths that are searched. So, sorry, but
I respectfully disagree. The test-suite adds a path where it
can find the "tcltests" package, the fedora changes result
in not finding that package any more. That's a bug in the
path search algorithm, which is modified by the fedora patch.

     Jan Nijtmans

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