problems with less

Michael Hirmke
Wed Apr 26 06:56:00 GMT 2000

John S Cooper [] wrote:

> > > When I `less c:/etc/termcap', the top 3 lines of the file are not shown,
> > > even after typing `g' (start of file).  However, if I type 'G' (end of
> > > file) followed by 'g' then it is shown, although searching for strings
> > > doesn't display the highlighted matches (they seem to be off the top of
> > > the screen). It's pretty much unusable really.
>Hmm.  I am using Win2K if that makes any difference.  It seems that the
>display is always messed up for me when the file being viewed has lines that

Same here!
- W2K German
- CYGWIN_NT-5.0 MIKE 1.1.1(0.19/3/2) 2000-04-24 20:21:10 i686 unknown
- TERM=linux

>    --- John

Michael Hirmke           | Telefon +49 (911) 557999
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