Repost, different list...File::Spec, Cygwin, Syntactic vs. Semantic path analysis

Hack Kampbjorn
Mon Jan 13 03:04:00 GMT 2003

LA Walsh wrote:
> Cygwin, and possibly, the Win32 module, are inconsistent in handling
> the differences between i:/foobar/ and i:.  On one hand i: is
> considered a 'volume' but on the other hand i:/ seems to evaluate to
> the same, incorrect, value. In "Win32", each 'fs' of form "<x>:', x
> of class <[:alpha:]>, there is a process-specific "current
> directory".  This can be seen by:
In the old DOS days yes, but in Win32 there is only one current 
directory. The illusion of having a current directory per drive and an 
active drive is maintained in cmd.exe (or is it in the MS C runtime?). 
As cygwin doesn't use it, i:foobar and i:/foobar is always the same.

<deleted long list of tests that demostrate this/>

Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards

Hack Kampbjørn

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