Ctrl+C not working with windows programs in Cygwin 1.7.16

Andrey Repin anrdaemon@freemail.ru
Tue Aug 7 14:55:00 GMT 2012

Greetings, Corinna Vinschen!

>> But I still need to see a practical example of
>> running a M$ program like ping and stopping it with Ctrl+C
>> without CMD (or another shell).

> Why don't you just try it?  On W7:

Start Menu ->> Run... -> Enter "ping -t cygwin.com" -> Start Task Manager
->> Observe the absence of cmd.exe but the presence of conhost.exe ->
> Press Ctrl-C in the ping console window.

That would work for, basically, any Windows version, starting WinNT.

Andrey Repin (anrdaemon@freemail.ru) 07.08.2012, <18:20>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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