Windows Guest Account Locked SSH

Larry Hall (Cygwin)
Wed Nov 6 15:24:00 GMT 2013

On 11/6/2013 5:26 AM, wrote:
> I have a similar problem to this post:
> except that the version I am using is 1.7.25, downloaded relatively recently.
> It seems that making an ssh connection to the CygWin host, using RSA
> certificate to achieve passwordless connection, causes the SSHD service on
> the host to perform an authentication using the account that the service is
> hosted with ... but that it apparently does not qualify the account with a
> domain (ie. the local machine) and apparently the assumption is that it
> should be a DOMAIN account - there was no DOMAIN\CYG_SERVER account so it
> fails and I assume it then tries DOMAIN\Guest as a fall-back, with the wrong
> password and therefore locks out DOMAIN\Guest
> So I created a DOMAIN\CYG_SERVER account with the same password as
> <LOCALDOMAIN>\CYG_SERVER and presto!, SSH connections from my client with no
> domain guest lockout.
> I have googled to infinity and beyond and found only a few references to
> this problem, and none of them suggest this or any other solution, merely
> that you can try this and that (one relating to duplicated SID's - not the
> reason)


> Can anyone specify a better solution than creating a matching domain account?
> I can't help thinking that I have missed some configuration item that
> would deal with this directly.

No, this is exactly the way to do it.  ssh-host-config cannot create a
privileged domain account when run as any user from any machine so it
doesn't try to.  If you need a domain user to be able to authenticate with
pubkey, you have to do what you did to make that work.  The side effect
of locking the domain guest account is a new twist I hadn't heard of
before but then again, it is Windows we're talking about. ;-)



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