octave says WGL_ARB_multisample is missing

Jon Turney jon.turney@dronecode.org.uk
Wed Jun 27 06:53:00 GMT 2018

On 26/06/2018 20:27, William Mitchell wrote:
> When I run octave on a fresh installation of cygwin64 on a Windows 7
> machine, I get the error:
> libGL error: required WGL extension WGL_ARB_multisample is missing

This error is coming from the WGL direct renderer built into libGL on 
Cygwin, and is telling you that this extension not provided by the 
Windows display driver you are using.  (This is unusual)

It's nothing to do with GLEW or any other cygwin libraries.

Possible solutions:

Install/upgrade the display driver

Use software rendering by setting the LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE environment 

(See also https://x.cygwin.com/docs/ug/using-glx.html)

> Insufficient GL support
> error: unable to plot due to insufficient OpenGL support
> octave begins running fine.  The error occurs when it encounters a plot
> statement.
> I have had this problem with an old installation of cygwin for at least a
> year.  I finally decided to wipe out cygwin and try a fresh installation.
> This installation contains the "minimal" default packages plus Devel:
> gcc-core, gcc-gfortran, gcc-g++, gdb, mingw64-x86_64-gcc-core,
> mingw64-x86_64-gfortran, mingw64-x86_64-g++; Graphics: gnuplot,
> ImageMagick; Math: bc, grace, octave; Shells: tcsh; X11: everything.
> I notice that libGLEW is included in the packages that it installs, which
> is where I would expect to find the WGL extensions.  This contains
> /usr/bin/cygGLEW-2-1.dll, but I don't know how to find out what functions
> are in a dll to see if it contains WGL_ARB_multisample.
> Any suggestions on what is wrong with this installation are greatly
> appreciated.

Jon Turney
Volunteer Cygwin/X X Server maintainer

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