Fortran Installation
Brian Inglis
Mon Jan 4 06:04:49 GMT 2021
On 2021-01-03 17:29, Lou Umscheid wrote:
> On 1/3/2021 4:03 PM, Brian Inglis wrote:
>> On 2021-01-03 12:18, Lou Umscheid via Cygwin wrote:
>>> On 1/3/2021 1:41 PM, Brian Inglis wrote:
>>>> On 2021-01-03 11:37, Brian Inglis wrote:
>>>>> On 2021-01-03 11:22, Lou Umscheid via Cygwin wrote:
>>>>>> On 1/3/2021 12:28 PM, Brian Inglis wrote:
>>>>>>> On 2021-01-03 09:44, Lou Umscheid via Cygwin wrote:
>>>>>>>> I would like to install Fortran on newly installed Cygwin64 on my new LG
>>>>>>>> laptop. I did this 9+ years ago for Cygwin32 on my Dell T1600 which is
>>>>>>>> now fading. The process 9 years ago was long and hard over several weeks
>>>>>>>> with many fallbacks and redo's. I am competent in Fortran programming
>>>>>>>> but have only a minimum knowledge of Linux/Unix. Can anyone point me to
>>>>>>>> a guide (I searched but could not find any) to installing Fortran,
>>>>>>>> including which files to download, PATH, alias changes, etc. I know it
>>>>>>>> is a lot to ask, but ANY help would be appreciated.
>>>>>>> To get a list of manually picked and installed packages in your current
>>>>>>> Cygwin installation (excluding library packages except if they are devel
>>>>>>> or doc packages) run the following command against your current
>>>>>>> installation:
>>>>>>> $ awk '$3 && ($1 !~ /^lib/ || $1 ~ /-(devel|doc)/) {print $1}' \
>>>>>>> /etc/setup/installed.db | tee cygwin-packages-picked.txt
>>>>>>> * transfer the file cygwin-packages-picked.txt to your new system e.g.
>>>>>>> your Windows account Downloads folder on your new system,
>>>>>>> * download to e.g. your Windows
>>>>>>> account Downloads folder on your new system,
>>>>>>> * run setup-x86_64 on your new system with no selections to install a
>>>>>>> basic Cygwin installation for you, then
>>>>>>> * start a Cygwin shell in a terminal session, and
>>>>>>> * rerun the Cygwin setup program with e.g.:
>>>>>>> $ cygstart /proc/cygdrive/c/Users/.../Downloads/setup-x86_64 \
>>>>>>> -P "`cat /proc/cygdrive/c/Users/.../Downloads/cygwin-packages-picked.txt`"
>>>>>>> to start installing the manually picked packages you had on your old
>>>>>>> system (dependencies will be automatically pulled in):
>>>>>>> * you *MUST* exit your Cygwin shell and terminal, and ensure that you
>>>>>>> have no other Cygwin processes still running, before allowing the Cygwin
>>>>>>> setup program to proceed; and
>>>>>>> * wait patiently for all the package downloads, installations, and
>>>>>>> post-install scripts to run to completion, before trying to do anything
>>>>>>> more under Cygwin on your new system.
>>>>>> wow; thanks for quick response. I tried running your first command but got
>>>>>> the message:
>>>>>> awk: fatal: cannot open file ' /etc/setup/installed.db' for reading (No
>>>>>> such file or directory) >
>>>>>> The file seems to be there and I checked my input so I do not know what
>>>>>> when wrong. Any suggestions?
>>>>> File name shown is ' /etc/setup/installed.db' - includes a leading space -
>>>>> do not use any quotes or add spaces in file names - or just paste the
>>>>> second line at the end of the first line, with an (unquoted) space between
>>>>> if required.
>>>> ...and remove any \ continuation escape if you paste the lines together -
>>>> that may well have been your issue!
>>> Another question, if I may: does your procedure install both Fortran and
>>> Dislin which are installed on the T1600? I do not see them in
>>> cygwin-packages-picked.txt.
>> The Cygwin Fortran package is gcc-fortran (gfortran/f95 symlink): you should
>> see this unless you have been using a proprietary closed source compiler.
>> It looks like Dislin is a proprietary closed source plotting package which you
>> will have to find, acquire, install, and configure separately, or migrate
>> settings from your old system.
> Another concern that just occurred to me is the installation of a BASIC
> Cygwin installation. Does that mean that the files that I have transferred
> from the old system and tuning that I have already done will have to be
> redone? Can I do your cygstart step on my current configuration?
Cygwin customizations should normally be in your Cygwin /home/ directory under
~/.directories.../ and in ~/.dotrc... files.
Copying those over to the equivalent directory, reviewing, and modifying their
settings appropriately if required should keep your new system setup consistent
with your old system.
If you have made any system wide common customizations under /etc/, you can
check changes you may have made to those by running the command below on your
old system:
$ diff -qr /etc/{defaults/etc/,} | tee ~/etc.log | less
which also saves the results summary, showing settings to be copied or compared
in the file ~/etc.log in your home directory ~/:
* lines in ~/etc.log saying
"Only in /etc/...: file..."
indicate files that should be copied over from /etc/... on your old system to
/etc/... on your new system;
* lines in ~/etc.log saying
"Files /etc/defaults/etc/file... and /etc/file... differ"
should be compared individually using commands like e.g.:
$ diff /etc/{defaults/etc/,}file... | tee ~/file....diff | less
and a decision made whether to:
* keep the customizations by copying the file over from /etc/... on your old
system to /etc/... on your new system,
* update the customizations by changing the file after copying to your new
system, or
* restoring its settings to the original defaults by copying over the defaults
on your new system using a command like e.g.:
$ cp -fpv /etc/{defaults/etc/,}file...
Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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