Limitation of setenv for tcsh: Too many arguments

Fri Jan 8 10:55:38 GMT 2021

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cygwin <> On Behalf Of ASSI
> Sent: 08 January 2021 11:39
> KAVALAGIOS Panagiotis (EEAS-EXT) writes:
> > There is a limitation for tcsh (setenv: Too many arguments) to set the
> > PATH environmental variable as you can see in the attached file with
> > the steps to reproduce it. It probably looks like tcsh limitation and
> > not Cygwin. The "set path=( ${HOME}/bin $path)" is not complaining and
> > sets the path, but it also interprets the space in the paths as a
> > separator. The only Cygwin related issue is probably the /usr/bin that
> > it is added twice. Any workarounds?
> Both problems are a failure on your part to quote the arguments correctly.
> Consult the documentation for the respective shell to find enlightenment.

Indeed, I forgot the double quotes. That works:

setenv PATH "${HOME}/bin:${PATH}"

I confused the message like a length limitation and not for the number of input arguments.

Why do you say both? I don't add /usr/bin anywhere.

> As an aside, it is highly unlikely that you'd actually want to set up your PATH
> like that.

Care to explain? How else can I add in the path custom personal commands?


Application Architect
CONSULIAT (under contract with the EEAS)
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