Cygwin a bit slow

Fri Apr 5 15:21:20 GMT 2024

I added, sed and grex x60 to x80, no software running and no antivirus.


El vie., 5 abr. 2024 17:18, J M <> escribió:

> Hi,
> I'm seeing that Cygwin is a bit slow, directly and after comparing to
> simple ubuntu virtual machines by example.
> Specifically:
> - Copy and paste texts in vim, I see clearly the slow in paste.
> - Using sed and/or grep that count approx. between 6x and 8x respect to
> virtual machine simple ubuntu.
> - In general multiple bash commands are slower.
> Can you analyze this?
> I'm use the last updated Windows 11 and a fresh Cygwin.
> Cesar Jorge

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