
Get that Linux feeling - on Windows

ninja: Ninja is a small build system with a focus on speed

    2024-04-21 20:55           0 etc/
    2024-04-21 20:55           0 etc/bash_completion.d/
    2024-04-21 20:55        1926 etc/bash_completion.d/ninja
    2024-04-21 20:55           0 usr/
    2024-04-21 20:55           0 usr/bin/
    2024-04-21 20:55      250387 usr/bin/ninja.exe
    2024-04-21 20:55           0 usr/lib/
    2024-04-21 20:55           0 usr/share/
    2024-04-21 20:55           0 usr/share/doc/
    2024-04-21 20:55           0 usr/share/doc/ninja/
    2024-04-21 20:55       11358 usr/share/doc/ninja/COPYING
    2024-04-21 20:55       77137 usr/share/doc/ninja/manual.html
    2024-04-21 20:55        2122 usr/share/doc/ninja/
    2024-04-21 20:55           0 usr/share/emacs/
    2024-04-21 20:55           0 usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/
    2024-04-21 20:55        4074 usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/ninja-mode.el
    2024-04-21 20:55           0 usr/share/vim/
    2024-04-21 20:55           0 usr/share/vim/vimfiles/
    2024-04-21 20:55           0 usr/share/vim/vimfiles/syntax/
    2024-04-21 20:55        2889 usr/share/vim/vimfiles/syntax/ninja.vim
    2024-04-21 20:55           0 usr/share/zsh/
    2024-04-21 20:55           0 usr/share/zsh/site-functions/
    2024-04-21 20:55        2855 usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_ninja