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Source Package: bison


GNU yacc-compatible parser generator


Bison is a general-purpose parser generator that converts an annotated context-free grammar into a deterministic LR or generalized LR (GLR) parser employing LALR(1) parser tables. As an experimental feature, Bison can also generate IELR(1) or canonical LR(1) parser tables. Once you are proficient with Bison, you can use it to develop a wide range of language parsers, from those used in simple desk calculators to complex programming languages. Bison is upward compatible with Yacc: all properly-written Yacc grammars ought to work with Bison with no change. Anyone familiar with Yacc should be able to use Bison with little trouble. You need to be fluent in C or C++ programming in order to use Bison. D and Java are also supported as experimental features.




autoconf, automake, binutils, coreutils, cygport, doxygen, flex, gcc-g++, gettext-devel, libiconv-devel, libintl-devel, libreadline-devel, xz

install package(s):

bison, bison-debuginfo



Brian Inglis, Eric Blake (Use the mailing list to report bugs or ask questions. Do not contact the maintainer(s) directly.)

packaging repository:


VersionArchPackage SizeDateFilesStatus
3.7.6-1src2569 KiB2021-08-15 03:17[list of files]stable
3.8.1-1src2740 KiB2021-09-19 22:58[list of files]stable
3.8.2-1src2756 KiB2021-09-25 21:34[list of files]stable