
Get that Linux feeling - on Windows

Source Package: ffmpeg


A complete solution to record, convert and stream audio and video


FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream and filter pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge.


Audio Video


AMF, asciidoc, cygport, cygwin-devel, ladspa-sdk, libOpenCL-devel, libSDL2-devel, libaom-devel, libass-devel, libbs2b-devel, libbz2-devel, libdav1d-devel, libfdk-aac-devel, libfontconfig-devel, libfreetype-devel, libfribidi-devel, libgcrypt-devel, libgnutls-devel, libgsm-devel, libiconv-devel, liblzma-devel, libmfx-devel, libmodplug-devel, libmp3lame-devel, libopenal-devel, libopenh264-headers, libopenjp2-devel, libopenjpeg-devel, libopenmpt-devel, libopus-devel, libpulse-devel, librsvg2-devel, libsnappy-devel, libsoxr-devel, libssh-devel, libsvtav1-devel, libtheora-devel, libtwolame-devel, libvorbis-devel, libvpx-devel, libwebp-devel, libxcb-shm-devel, libxml2-devel, libzmq-devel, libzstd-devel, nasm, nv-codec-headers, speex-devel, xvidcore

install package(s):

ffmpeg, ffmpeg-debuginfo, ffmpeg-doc, ffmpeg-examples, libavcodec-devel, libavcodec60, libavcodec61, libavdevice-devel, libavdevice60, libavdevice61, libavfilter-devel, libavfilter10, libavfilter9, libavformat-devel, libavformat60, libavformat61, libavutil-devel, libavutil58, libavutil59, libpostproc-devel, libpostproc57, libpostproc58, libswresample-devel, libswresample4, libswresample5, libswscale-devel, libswscale7, libswscale8



GPL-3.0-or-later (SPDX)


Takashi Yano (Use the mailing list to report bugs or ask questions. Do not contact the maintainer(s) directly.)

packaging repository:


VersionArchPackage SizeDateFilesStatus
6.1.1-1src7666 KiB2024-01-24 15:08[list of files]stable
6.1.1-2src7737 KiB2024-03-03 08:41[list of files]stable
6.1.1-3src7737 KiB2024-03-15 09:18[list of files]stable
7.0-2src10691 KiB2024-06-10 13:40[list of files]stable
7.0.1-1src7979 KiB2024-06-10 14:21[list of files]stable
7.0.1-2src7979 KiB2024-06-22 08:51[list of files]stable