Inopportune Crash

Steven E. Bailey
Sun Oct 14 09:57:00 GMT 2001

I accidentally erased the setup.log and setup.log.full files once, and 
setup then prompted me to reinstall everything.  I fixed it by reinstalling 
just one of the packages and setting all of the other files to 
"skip."   That fixed it... the setup files were recreated correctly.

I don't know if your problem is the same (I suspect it is), but, it might 
be worth it to just try reinstalling one package.

 >Inopportune Crash

   >  * To: cygwin at cygwin dot com
   >  * Subject: Inopportune Crash
   >  * From: Randall R Schulz <rrschulz at cris dot com>
   >  * Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2001 18:05:39 -0700


 >Earlier today I installed the new Vim--6.02--and one other package, whose
 >name I don't recall right now.

 >As it turned out, my system crashed just as the installation was
 >completing. The crash occurred a fraction of a second after I heard the
 >"ding" produced by the installer when it shows the last, tiny dialog with
 >the OK button.

 >Now when I run the installer, it tells me everything needs to be installed.
 >Presumably the crash interfered with the installer writing the file that
 >records the current installation status (or with those file system changes
 >being flushed to disk). All my file system volumes are NTFS.

 >Can anyone offer me a way to fix this? I don't mind re-installing, though
 >I'd prefer the "lowest-impact" solution that's practical. However, I'm
 >particularly concerned that whatever fix I apply won't negatively affect
 >the existing installation. For example, I would not want my home directory
 >or local additions eradicated.

 >Any suggestions?


 >Randall Schulz
 >Mountain View, CA USA

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