September 2005 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Sep 1 09:44:00 GMT 2005
Ending: Fri Sep 30 23:14:00 GMT 2005
Messages: 568
- Cygwin-wnpp#20050831T2001 ITP: bzr -- Next-generation distributed GNU Arch compatible version control (Python)
Jari Aalto
- Cygwin-wnpp#20050902T2051 ITP: tinyirc - A real tiny IRC client
Jari Aalto
- Cygwin-wnpp#20050902T2051 ITP: tinyirc - A real tiny IRC client
Jari Aalto
- Cygwin-wnpp#20050902T2051 ITP: tinyirc - A real tiny IRC client
Jari Aalto
- ITP: bzr -- Next-generation distributed GNU Arch compatible version control (Python)
Jari Aalto
- ITP: bzr -- Next-generation distributed GNU Arch compatible version control (Python)
Jari Aalto
- [not GTG] Re: ITP: bzr -- Next-generation distributed GNU Arch compatible version control (Python)
Jari Aalto
- [GTG] Re: ITP: bzr -- Next-generation distributed GNU Arch compatible version control (Python)
Jari Aalto
- [GTG] Re: ITP: bzr -- Next-generation distributed GNU Arch compatible version control (Python)
Jari Aalto
- ITP: bogofilter -- Statistical Bayesian spam filter
Jari Aalto
- [GTG] Re: ITP: bzr -- Next-generation distributed GNU Arch compatible version control (Python)
Jari Aalto
- ITP: bogofilter -- Statistical Bayesian spam filter
Jari Aalto
- ITP: bogofilter -- Statistical Bayesian spam filter
Jari Aalto
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Jari Aalto
- Adding a "Maintainer: " field to setup.hint
Jari Aalto
- ATTN: antiword Maintainer
Jari Aalto
- [not GTG] Re: ITP: bogofilter -- Statistical Bayesian spam filter
Jari Aalto
- [not GTG] Re: ITP: bogofilter -- Statistical Bayesian spam filter
Jari Aalto
- please upload: bzr-0.0.8-1
Jari Aalto
- please upload: cabextract 1.1 - Extract Microsoft cabinet (.CAB) files.
Jari Aalto
- ghostscript packages maintainer
Rajesh Balakrishnan
- Cygwin-wnpp#20050902T2051 ITP: tinyirc - A real tiny IRC client
Eric Blake
- HEADSUP: pcre security announcement
Eric Blake
- emacs support for octave
Eric Blake
- ITP: bzr -- Next-generation distributed GNU Arch compatible version control (Python)
Eric Blake
- Drop textmode from setup?
Eric Blake
- Neon packaging of multiple versions
Eric Blake
- [not GTG] Re: ITP: bzr -- Next-generation distributed GNU Arch compatible version control (Python)
Eric Blake
- [GTG] Re: ITP: bzr -- Next-generation distributed GNU Arch compatible version control (Python)
Eric Blake
- [GTG] Re: ITP: bzr -- Next-generation distributed GNU Arch compatible version control (Python)
Eric Blake
- [GTG] Re: ITP: bzr -- Next-generation distributed GNU Arch compatible version control (Python)
Eric Blake
- Packaging of gettext message catalogs (.mo files)
Eric Blake
- FYI: obsolete packages' setup.hint
Eric Blake
- Command 'more': missing dll cygpcre.dll [Attn more maintainer]
Eric Blake
- Command 'more': missing dll cygpcre.dll [Attn more maintainer]
Eric Blake
- Command 'more': missing dll cygpcre.dll [Attn more maintainer]
Eric Blake
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Eric Blake
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Eric Blake
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Eric Blake
- Adding a "Maintainer: " field to setup.hint
Eric Blake
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Eric Blake
- [not GTG] Re: ITP: bogofilter -- Statistical Bayesian spam filter
Eric Blake
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Eric Blake
- setup: how to handle circular dependencies?
Eric Blake
- [not GTG] Re: ITP: bogofilter -- Statistical Bayesian spam filter
Eric Blake
- base-files: Does not permit the use of symlinks in /etc/profile.d/
Eric Blake
- base-files: Does not permit the use of symlinks in /etc/profile.d/
Eric Blake
- [not GTG] Re: ITP: bogofilter -- Statistical Bayesian spam filter
Eric Blake
- [not GTG] Re: Please test and upload graphviz-2.2.1-1
Eric Blake
- base-files: Does not permit the use of symlinks in /etc/profile.d/
Eric Blake
- 1st summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Eric Blake
- g-b-s patch - dependency calculation
Eric Blake
- 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Eric Blake
- 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Eric Blake
- 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Eric Blake
- lesstif packaging
Eric Blake
- g-b-s patch - dependency calculation
Eric Blake
- [PATCH] setup: Detect postinstall scripts correctly
Eric Blake
- [PATCH] setup: mirror list caching
Eric Blake
- Bug in setup 2.510.1.2
André Bleau
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
André Bleau
- Neon packaging of multiple versions
Max Bowsher
- What's going on with 2.510.2.2?
Max Bowsher
- Release branching (was Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Cygwin setup.exe bugfix release 2.510.2.2)
Max Bowsher
- Release branching (was Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Cygwin setup.exe bugfix release 2.510.2.2)
Max Bowsher
- What's going on with 2.510.2.2?
Max Bowsher
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Cygwin setup.exe bugfix release 2.510.2.2
Max Bowsher
- Neon packaging of multiple versions
Max Bowsher
- Packaging of gettext message catalogs (.mo files)
Max Bowsher
- Packaging of gettext message catalogs (.mo files)
Max Bowsher
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Max Bowsher
- Adding a "Maintainer: " field to setup.hint
Max Bowsher
- base-files: Does not permit the use of symlinks in /etc/profile.d/
Max Bowsher
- base-files: Does not permit the use of symlinks in /etc/profile.d/
Max Bowsher
- base-files: Does not permit the use of symlinks in /etc/profile.d/
Max Bowsher
- base-files: Does not permit the use of symlinks in /etc/profile.d/
Max Bowsher
- Musings on PHP
Max Bowsher
- Musings on PHP
Max Bowsher
- 1st summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Max Bowsher
- 1st summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Max Bowsher
- 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Max Bowsher
- 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Max Bowsher
- Packages with unusual (wrong?) tarball names (db, xemacs)
Max Bowsher
- updated package: gsl-1.6-2
Teun Burgers
- ITP: bogofilter -- Statistical Bayesian spam filter
Teun Burgers
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Teun Burgers
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Daniel Bößwetter
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Peter A. Castro
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Peter A. Castro
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Robert Collins
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Robert Collins
- [ITP] qt3-3.3.4
- Drop textmode from setup?
- [ITP] qt3-3.3.4
- [ITP] id3lib and easytag
- [ITP] libmad/libmad0/libmad-devel: A high-quality MPEG audio decoder
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
- STL errors building setup with gcc 3.4.4 (Attn Gerrit)
Brian Dessent
- [PATCH] Update of "size" column patch for setup (Was Re: Is setup-2.506ready to release?)
Brian Dessent
- [PATCH] Propagate exit codes of scripts to setup
Brian Dessent
- [PATCH] Re: missing sh.exe in coreutils
Brian Dessent
- texi2html coming back soon in tetex ?
Brian Dessent
- texi2html coming back soon in tetex ?
Brian Dessent
- [PATCH] Update of "size" column patch for setup (Was Re: Issetup-2.506 ready to release?)
Brian Dessent
- Drop textmode from setup?
Brian Dessent
- Drop textmode from setup?
Brian Dessent
- [ITP] libmad/libmad0/libmad-devel: A high-quality MPEG audio decoder
Brian Dessent
- Bug in setup 2.510.1.2
Brian Dessent
- Setup 2.510.2.1 does nor work!
Brian Dessent
- [ITP] libmad/libmad0/libmad-devel: A high-quality MPEG audio decoder
Brian Dessent
- Anyone looking at the 'setup.exe' 2.510.2.1 crashing problem?
Brian Dessent
- Anyone looking at the 'setup.exe' 2.510.2.1 crashing problem?
Brian Dessent
- Tooltip delays (was: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Cygwin setup.exe bugfix release 2.510.2.2)
Brian Dessent
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Cygwin setup.exe bugfix release 2.510.2.2
Brian Dessent
- branching (was: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Cygwin setup.exe bugfix release 2.510.2.2)
Brian Dessent
- [PATCH] setup: fix text background in chooser
Brian Dessent
- Tooltip delays (was: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Cygwin setup.exe bugfix release 2.510.2.2)
Brian Dessent
- cygwin setup 2.510.2.1 does not work because of an invaliditerator.
Brian Dessent
- uncaught exceptions in setup
Brian Dessent
- uncaught exceptions in setup
Brian Dessent
- Packaging of gettext message catalogs (.mo files)
Brian Dessent
- Packaging of gettext message catalogs (.mo files)
Brian Dessent
- [ITP] qt3-3.3.4
Peter Ekberg
- Cygwin-wnpp#20050902T2051 ITP: tinyirc - A real tiny IRC client
Christopher Faylor
- Cygwin-wnpp#20050902T2051 ITP: tinyirc - A real tiny IRC client
Christopher Faylor
- [ITP] texi2html: A highly customizable texinfo to HTML and other formats translator
Christopher Faylor
- [ITP] texi2html: A highly customizable texinfo to HTML and other formats translator
Christopher Faylor
- Please upload: nfs-server-2.3-3
Christopher Faylor
- Drop textmode from setup?
Christopher Faylor
- Question for Hack Kampbjorn (was Re: [HELPFULL-REROLL] wget-1.10.1)
Christopher Faylor
- Anyone looking at the 'setup.exe' 2.510.2.1 crashing problem?
Christopher Faylor
- Anyone looking at the 'setup.exe' 2.510.2.1 crashing problem?
Christopher Faylor
- Anyone looking at the 'setup.exe' 2.510.2.1 crashing problem?
Christopher Faylor
- Anyone looking at the 'setup.exe' 2.510.2.1 crashing problem?
Christopher Faylor
- Anyone looking at the 'setup.exe' 2.510.2.1 crashing problem?
Christopher Faylor
- Release branching (was Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Cygwin setup.exe bugfix release 2.510.2.2)
Christopher Faylor
- What's going on with 2.510.2.2?
Christopher Faylor
- Checked in a sort of 'setup.ini/setup.hint' lint script
Christopher Faylor
- Checked in a sort of 'setup.ini/setup.hint' lint script
Christopher Faylor
- cygwin setup 2.510.2.1 does not work because of an invalid iterator.
Christopher Faylor
- Packaging of gettext message catalogs (.mo files)
Christopher Faylor
- Command 'more': missing dll cygpcre.dll [Attn more maintainer]
Christopher Faylor
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Christopher Faylor
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Christopher Faylor
- Adding a "Maintainer: " field to setup.hint
Christopher Faylor
- How about script? [was: Re: Command 'more': missing dll cygpcre.dll [Attn more maintainer]]
Christopher Faylor
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Christopher Faylor
- Update: apache-1.3.33-1
Christopher Faylor
- Don't use the maintainer field in setup.hint!
Christopher Faylor
- GConf2 packaging error
Christopher Faylor
- setup.hint: curr: prev: test: tags
Christopher Faylor
- please upload: lesstif-0.94.4-1 test release
Christopher Faylor
- please upload: lesstif-0.94.4-1 test release
Christopher Faylor
- Package error in libIDL
Christopher Faylor
- Package error in libIDL
Christopher Faylor
- Please upload: wget-1.10.1-1
Christopher Faylor
- Package error in libIDL
Christopher Faylor
- 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Christopher Faylor
- libming and ploticus (Attn: SWI-Prolog maintainer)
Christopher Faylor
- 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Christopher Faylor
- 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Christopher Faylor
- 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Christopher Faylor
- 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Christopher Faylor
- 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Christopher Faylor
- 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Christopher Faylor
- lesstif packaging
Christopher Faylor
- 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Christopher Faylor
- 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Christopher Faylor
- lesstif packaging
Christopher Faylor
- [ITP] ploticus, libploticus, ploticus-common, ploticus-doc (revised)
Christopher Faylor
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Brian Ford
- lesstif
Brian Ford
- lesstif
Brian Ford
- lesstif
Brian Ford
- lesstif
Brian Ford
- please upload: lesstif-0.94.4-1 test release
Brian Ford
- please upload: lesstif-0.94.4-1 test release
Brian Ford
- please upload: lesstif-0.94.4-1 test release
Brian Ford
- lesstif packaging
Brian Ford
- lesstif packaging
Brian Ford
- Command 'more': missing dll cygpcre.dll [Attn more maintainer]
Joshua Daniel Franklin
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Joshua Daniel Franklin
- [ITP] id3lib and easytag
Alexander Gottwald
- [ITP] id3lib and easytag
Alexander Gottwald
- [ITP] id3lib and easytag
Alexander Gottwald
- [ITP] id3lib and easytag
Alexander Gottwald
- [ITP] id3lib and easytag
Alexander Gottwald
- I'm back
Gerrit P. Haase
- Drop textmode from setup?
Gerrit P. Haase
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Gerrit P. Haase
- ATTN: antiword Maintainer
Gerrit P. Haase
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Gerrit P. Haase
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Gerrit P. Haase
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Gerrit P. Haase
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Gerrit P. Haase
- How about script? [was: Re: Command 'more': missing dll cygpcre.dll [Attn more maintainer]]
Gerrit P. Haase
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Gerrit P. Haase
- libungif [Was: Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.]
Gerrit P. Haase
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Gerrit P. Haase
- setup: how to handle circular dependencies?
Gerrit P. Haase
- Update: apache-1.3.33-1
Gerrit P. Haase
- Please upload: perl-libwin32-0.26-1
Gerrit P. Haase
- setup.hint: curr: prev: test: tags
Gerrit P. Haase
- setup.hint: curr: prev: test: tags
Gerrit P. Haase
- I'm back
Gerrit P. Haase
- GConf2 packaging error
Gerrit P. Haase
- Please upload: perl-libwin32-0.26-1
Gerrit P. Haase
- setup.hint: curr: prev: test: tags
Gerrit P. Haase
- Musings on PHP
Gerrit P. Haase
- Please upload: perl-libwin32-0.26-1
Gerrit P. Haase
- setup.hint: curr: prev: test: tags
Gerrit P. Haase
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Gerrit P. Haase
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Gerrit P. Haase
- setup.hint: curr: prev: test: tags
Gerrit P. Haase
- postgresql-8.01 and 8.1 ready
Gerrit P. Haase
- postgresql-8.01 and 8.1 ready
Gerrit P. Haase
- setup.hint: curr: prev: test: tags
Gerrit P. Haase
- setup.hint: curr: prev: test: tags
Gerrit P. Haase
- Package error in libIDL
Gerrit P. Haase
- Package error in libIDL
Gerrit P. Haase
- Package error in libIDL
Gerrit P. Haase
- Packages with unusual (wrong?) tarball names (db, xemacs)
Gerrit P. Haase
- PING Boost 1.33.0 package / take 2
Vaclav Haisman
- Boost 1.33.0 package / take 2
Vaclav Haisman
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Vaclav Haisman
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Bob Heckel
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Bob Heckel
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Pierre A. Humblet
- [HELPFULL-REROLL] wget-1.10.1
Harold L Hunt II
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Harold L Hunt II
- lesstif [Was: Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.]
Harold L Hunt II
- lesstif
Harold L Hunt II
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Harold L Hunt II
- libungif [Was: Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.]
Harold L Hunt II
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Harold L Hunt II
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Harold L Hunt II
- lesstif
Harold L Hunt II
- 1st summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Harold L Hunt II
- Please upload: wget-1.10.1-1
Harold L Hunt II
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Ross Smith II
- 1st summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Chris January
- 1st summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Hack Kampbjorn
- 1st summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Hack Kampbjorn
- 1st summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Hack Kampbjorn
- Cygwin-wnpp#20050831T2001 ITP: bzr -- Next-generation distributed GNU Arch compatible version control (Python)
Dave Korn
- Drop textmode from setup?
Dave Korn
- Drop textmode from setup?
Dave Korn
- Problem with new setup.exe
Dave Korn
- Anyone looking at the 'setup.exe' 2.510.2.1 crashing problem?
Dave Korn
- Anyone looking at the 'setup.exe' 2.510.2.1 crashing problem?
Dave Korn
- Anyone looking at the 'setup.exe' 2.510.2.1 crashing problem?
Dave Korn
- Anyone looking at the 'setup.exe' 2.510.2.1 crashing problem?
Dave Korn
- Release branching (was Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Cygwin setup.exe bugfix release 2.510.2.2)
Dave Korn
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Cygwin setup.exe bugfix release 2.510.2.2
Dave Korn
- cygwin setup 2.510.2.1 does not work because of an invalid iterator.
Dave Korn
- lesstif
Dave Korn
- FW: setup: how to handle circular dependencies?
Dave Korn
- [not GTG] Re: Please test and upload graphviz-2.2.1-1
Dave Korn
- Problem with new setup.exe
Michael W. Lewis
- Cygwin-wnpp#20050902T2051 ITP: tinyirc - A real tiny IRC client
Lapo Luchini
- PING Boost 1.33.0 package / take 2
Lapo Luchini
- Do we still have a whois maintainer? (was Re: note to whois maintainer)
Lapo Luchini
- note to whois maintainer
Lapo Luchini
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Lapo Luchini
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Lapo Luchini
- libungif [Was: Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.]
Lapo Luchini
- Do we still have a whois maintainer? (was Re: note to whois maintainer)
Lapo Luchini
- whois-4.7.8-1 [Was: Do we still have a whois maintainer?]
Lapo Luchini
- 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Lapo Luchini
- packaging & AMD64
Lapo Luchini
- cygwin setup 2.510.2.1 does not work because of an invalid iterator.
- cygwin setup 2.510.2.1 does not work because of an invalid iterator.
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
John Morrison
- base-files: Does not permit the use of symlinks in /etc/profile.d/
John Morrison
- base-files: Does not permit the use of symlinks in /etc/profile.d/
John Morrison
- base-files: Does not permit the use of symlinks in /etc/profile.d/
John Morrison
- Musings on PHP
John Morrison
- base-files: Does not permit the use of symlinks in /etc/profile.d/
John Morrison
- 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
John Morrison
- [ITP] texi2html: A highly customizable texinfo to HTML and other formats translator
Jan Nieuwenhuizen
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Jan Nieuwenhuizen
- 1st summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Sergey Okhapkin
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Gareth Pearce
- [PATCH] Update of "size" column patch for setup (Was Re: Is setup-2.506 ready to release?)
Igor Pechtchanski
- [ITP] texi2html: A highly customizable texinfo to HTML and other formats translator
Igor Pechtchanski
- [PATCH] Update of "size" column patch for setup (Was Re: Is setup-2.506 ready to release?)
Igor Pechtchanski
- HEADSUP: pcre security announcement
Igor Pechtchanski
- Temporary change to pine's setup.hint
Igor Pechtchanski
- Drop textmode from setup?
Igor Pechtchanski
- Drop textmode from setup?
Igor Pechtchanski
- Temporary change to pine's setup.hint
Igor Pechtchanski
- HEADSUP: pcre security announcement
Igor Pechtchanski
- [PATCH] setup: fix text background in chooser
Igor Pechtchanski
- [PATCH] setup: increase tooltip delay for larger tooltips
Igor Pechtchanski
- [PATCH] setup: Add --nowarn-if-older option
Igor Pechtchanski
- Recent setup patches
Igor Pechtchanski
- Upset (was Re: [ITP] libmad/libmad0/libmad-devel: A high-quality MPEG audio decoder)
Igor Pechtchanski
- Neon packaging of multiple versions
Igor Pechtchanski
- Anyone looking at the 'setup.exe' 2.510.2.1 crashing problem?
Igor Pechtchanski
- Anyone looking at the 'setup.exe' 2.510.2.1 crashing problem?
Igor Pechtchanski
- Anyone looking at the 'setup.exe' 2.510.2.1 crashing problem?
Igor Pechtchanski
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Cygwin setup.exe bugfix release 2.510.2.2
Igor Pechtchanski
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Cygwin setup.exe bugfix release 2.510.2.2
Igor Pechtchanski
- What's going on with 2.510.2.2?
Igor Pechtchanski
- Tooltip delays (was: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Cygwin setup.exe bugfix release 2.510.2.2)
Igor Pechtchanski
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Igor Pechtchanski
- FW: setup: how to handle circular dependencies?
Igor Pechtchanski
- [not GTG] Re: ITP: bogofilter -- Statistical Bayesian spam filter
Igor Pechtchanski
- setup.hint: curr: prev: test: tags
Igor Pechtchanski
- libming and ploticus (Attn: SWI-Prolog maintainer)
Igor Pechtchanski
- 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Igor Pechtchanski
- libming and ploticus (Attn: SWI-Prolog maintainer)
Igor Pechtchanski
- libming and ploticus (Attn: SWI-Prolog maintainer)
Igor Pechtchanski
- 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Igor Pechtchanski
- 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Igor Pechtchanski
- g-b-s patch - dependency calculation
Igor Pechtchanski
- g-b-s patch - dependency calculation
Igor Pechtchanski
- [PATCH] setup: fix FTP behavior on timeout
Igor Pechtchanski
- [PATCH] setup: Detect postinstall scripts correctly
Igor Pechtchanski
- [PATCH] setup: better log message on failed fopen
Igor Pechtchanski
- [ITP] ploticus and ploticus-doc
Igor Pechtchanski
- [PATCH] setup: Detect postinstall scripts correctly
Igor Pechtchanski
- [ITP] qt3-3.3.4
Igor Pechtchanski
- [ITP] qt3-3.3.4
Igor Pechtchanski
- [PATCH] setup: mirror list caching
Igor Pechtchanski
- [PATCH] setup: don't attempt to re-read a missing installed.db
Igor Pechtchanski
- texi2html coming back soon in tetex ?
James R. Phillips
- texi2html coming back soon in tetex ?
James R. Phillips
- texi2html coming back soon in tetex ?
James R. Phillips
- Update to setup.hint for octave-headers
James R. Phillips
- emacs support for octave
James R. Phillips
- Upset (was Re: [ITP] libmad/libmad0/libmad-devel: A high-quality MPEG audio decoder)
James R. Phillips
- Please Upload: octave-2.1.71-3
James R. Phillips
- Checked in a sort of 'setup.ini/setup.hint' lint script
James R. Phillips
- Checked in a sort of 'setup.ini/setup.hint' lint script
James R. Phillips
- Please Upload: octave-2.1.71-3
James R. Phillips
- Checked in a sort of 'setup.ini/setup.hint' lint script
James R. Phillips
- Checked in a sort of 'setup.ini/setup.hint' lint script
James R. Phillips
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
James R. Phillips
- How about script? [was: Re: Command 'more': missing dll cygpcre.dll [Attn more maintainer]]
James R. Phillips
- How about script? [was: Re: Command 'more': missing dll cygpcre.dll [Attn more maintainer]]
James R. Phillips
- ghostscript packages maintainer
James R. Phillips
- ghostscript packages maintainer
James R. Phillips
- ghostscript packages maintainer
James R. Phillips
- [ITP] ploticus, libploticus, ploticus-common, ploticus-doc (revised)
James R. Phillips
- Package error in libIDL
Yaakov S (Cygwin Ports)
- Package error in libIDL
Yaakov S (Cygwin Ports)
- [ITP] gnome-libs-1.4.2
Yaakov S (Cygwin Ports)
- Package error in libIDL
Yaakov S (Cygwin Ports)
- [ITP] qt3-3.3.4
Yaakov S (Cygwin Ports)
- 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Yaakov S (Cygwin Ports)
- libungif (was: Re: 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.))
Yaakov S (Cygwin Ports)
- [ITP] qt3-3.3.4
Yaakov S (Cygwin Ports)
- [ITP] qt3-3.3.4
Yaakov S (Cygwin Ports)
- Please upload: libungif (takeover), gnome-common, gnome-keyring
Yaakov S (Cygwin Ports)
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Volker Quetschke
- Updated: apache-1.3.33-2
Robert Richter
- Musings on PHP
Robert Richter
- Updated: apache-1.3.33-2
Robert Richter
- Update: apache-1.3.33-1
Robert Richter
- 1st summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Robert Richter
- Drop textmode from setup?
Benjamin Riefenstahl
- Please upload: nfs-server-2.3-3
Robb, Sam
- [ITP] qt3-3.3.4
Yaakov S
- HEADSUP: pcre security announcement
Yaakov S
- [ITP] qt3-3.3.4
Yaakov S
- HEADSUP: pcre security announcement
Yaakov S
- [ITP] id3lib and easytag
Yaakov S
- I'm back
Yaakov S
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Yaakov S
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Yaakov S
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Yaakov S
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Yaakov S
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Yaakov S
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Yaakov S
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Yaakov S
- libungif [Was: Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.]
Yaakov S
- How about script? [was: Re: Command 'more': missing dll cygpcre.dll [Attn more maintainer]]
Yaakov S
- Please upload: freetype2
Yaakov S
- setup.hint: curr: prev: test: tags
Yaakov S
- I'm back
Yaakov S
- setup.hint: curr: prev: test: tags
Yaakov S
- setup.hint: curr: prev: test: tags
Yaakov S
- [ITP] qt3-3.3.4
Yaakov S
- setup.hint: curr: prev: test: tags
Yaakov S
- 1st summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Jörg Schaible
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Andrew Schulman
- libming and ploticus
Andrew Schulman
- libming and ploticus
Andrew Schulman
- libming and ploticus (Attn: SWI-Prolog maintainer)
Andrew Schulman
- libming and ploticus (Attn: SWI-Prolog maintainer)
Andrew Schulman
- libming and ploticus (Attn: SWI-Prolog maintainer)
Andrew Schulman
- [ITP] ploticus and ploticus-doc
Andrew Schulman
- [GTG] Re: [ITP] ploticus, libploticus, ploticus-common, ploticus-doc (revised)
Andrew Schulman
- [ITP] ploticus, libploticus, ploticus-common, ploticus-doc (revised)
Andrew Schulman
- [ITP] ploticus, libploticus, ploticus-common, ploticus-doc (revised)
Andrew Schulman
- [ITP] ploticus and ploticus-doc
- [ITP] ploticus and ploticus-doc
- [ITP] ploticus, libploticus, ploticus-common, ploticus-doc (revised)
- uncaught exceptions in setup
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
- uncaught exceptions in setup
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
- uncaught exceptions in setup
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
- Bug in setup 2.510.1.2
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
- Please upload: perl-libwin32-0.26-1
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
- Please upload: perl-libwin32-0.26-1
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply
Andreas Seidl
- Drop textmode from setup?
Gary R. Van Sickle
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Gary R. Van Sickle
- libming and ploticus
Gary R. Van Sickle
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Sam Steingold
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Chris Sutcliffe
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Marcel Telka
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Jason Tishler
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Jason Tishler
- postgresql-8.01 and 8.1 ready
Jason Tishler
- postgresql-8.01 and 8.1 ready
Jason Tishler
- postgresql-8.01 and 8.1 ready
Jason Tishler
- postgresql-8.01 and 8.1 ready
Jason Tishler
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Pavel Tsekov
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Pavel Tsekov
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Reini Urban
- Please upload: perl-libwin32-0.26-1
Reini Urban
- How about script? [was: Re: Command 'more': missing dll cygpcre.dll [Attn more maintainer]]
Reini Urban
- Please upload: perl-libwin32-0.26-1
Reini Urban
- Please upload: perl-libwin32-0.26-1
Reini Urban
- Please upload: perl-libwin32-0.26-1
Reini Urban
- Please upload: perl-libwin32-0.26-1
Reini Urban
- Please upload: perl-libwin32-0.26-1
Reini Urban
- postgresql-8.01 and 8.1 ready
Reini Urban
- 1st summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Reini Urban
- postgresql-8.01 and 8.1 ready
Reini Urban
- postgresql-8.01 and 8.1 ready
Reini Urban
- libming and ploticus
Reini Urban
- postgresql-8.01 and 8.1 ready
Reini Urban
- libming and ploticus (Attn: SWI-Prolog maintainer)
Reini Urban
- postgresql-8.01 and 8.1 ready
Reini Urban
- postgresql-8.01 and 8.1 ready
Reini Urban
- postgresql-8.01 and 8.1 ready
Reini Urban
- Update: apache-1.3.33-1
Corinna Vinschen
- HEADSUP: pcre security announcement
Corinna Vinschen
- Boost 1.33.0 package / take 2
Corinna Vinschen
- PING: [ITP] singular-*-3.0.0-1
Corinna Vinschen
- PING: [ITP] singular-*-3.0.0-1
Corinna Vinschen
- [ITP] qt3-3.3.4
Corinna Vinschen
- Update to setup.hint for octave-headers
Corinna Vinschen
- GREP maintainer: Change libpcre to libpcre0
Corinna Vinschen
- HEADSUP: pcre security announcement
Corinna Vinschen
- Drop textmode from setup?
Corinna Vinschen
- HEADSUP: pcre security announcement
Corinna Vinschen
- Temporary change to pine's setup.hint
Corinna Vinschen
- emacs support for octave
Corinna Vinschen
- HEADSUP: pcre security announcement
Corinna Vinschen
- Drop textmode from setup?
Corinna Vinschen
- Drop textmode from setup?
Corinna Vinschen
- [ITP] libmad/libmad0/libmad-devel: A high-quality MPEG audio decoder
Corinna Vinschen
- [ITP] libmad/libmad0/libmad-devel: A high-quality MPEG audio decoder
Corinna Vinschen
- HEADSUP: pcre security announcement
Corinna Vinschen
- [ITP] libmad/libmad0/libmad-devel: A high-quality MPEG audio decoder
Corinna Vinschen
- updated package: gsl-1.6-2
Corinna Vinschen
- [ITP] id3lib and easytag
Corinna Vinschen
- Please Upload: octave-2.1.71-3
Corinna Vinschen
- [ITP] id3lib and easytag
Corinna Vinschen
- Checked in a sort of 'setup.ini/setup.hint' lint script
Corinna Vinschen
- updated package: gsl-1.6-2
Corinna Vinschen
- [ITP] id3lib and easytag
Corinna Vinschen
- Do we still have a whois maintainer? (was Re: note to whois maintainer)
Corinna Vinschen
- Do we still have a whois maintainer? (was Re: note to whois maintainer)
Corinna Vinschen
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Corinna Vinschen
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Corinna Vinschen
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Corinna Vinschen
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Corinna Vinschen
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Corinna Vinschen
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Corinna Vinschen
- Adding a "Maintainer: " field to setup.hint
Corinna Vinschen
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Corinna Vinschen
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Corinna Vinschen
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Corinna Vinschen
- Please upload: freetype2
Corinna Vinschen
- Update: apache-1.3.33-1
Corinna Vinschen
- Updated: apache-1.3.33-2
Corinna Vinschen
- base-files: Does not permit the use of symlinks in /etc/profile.d/
Corinna Vinschen
- base-files: Does not permit the use of symlinks in /etc/profile.d/
Corinna Vinschen
- Please upload: perl-libwin32-0.26-1
Corinna Vinschen
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Corinna Vinschen
- base-files: Does not permit the use of symlinks in /etc/profile.d/
Corinna Vinschen
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Corinna Vinschen
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Corinna Vinschen
- 1st summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Corinna Vinschen
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Corinna Vinschen
- 1st summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Corinna Vinschen
- ghostscript packages maintainer
Corinna Vinschen
- 1st summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Corinna Vinschen
- ghostscript packages maintainer
Corinna Vinschen
- ghostscript packages maintainer
Corinna Vinschen
- please upload: bzr-0.0.8-1
Corinna Vinschen
- Please upload: perl-libwin32-0.26-1
Corinna Vinschen
- Please upload: perl-libwin32-0.26-1
Corinna Vinschen
- please upload: cabextract 1.1 - Extract Microsoft cabinet (.CAB) files.
Corinna Vinschen
- 1st summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Corinna Vinschen
- Do we still have a whois maintainer? (was Re: note to whois maintainer)
Corinna Vinschen
- 1st summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Corinna Vinschen
- postgresql-8.01 and 8.1 ready
Corinna Vinschen
- 1st summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Corinna Vinschen
- 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Corinna Vinschen
- libming and ploticus (Attn: SWI-Prolog maintainer)
Corinna Vinschen
- libming and ploticus (Attn: SWI-Prolog maintainer)
Corinna Vinschen
- 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Corinna Vinschen
- 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Corinna Vinschen
- 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Corinna Vinschen
- [ITP] qt3-3.3.4
Corinna Vinschen
- 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Corinna Vinschen
- 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Corinna Vinschen
- whois-4.7.8-1 [Was: Do we still have a whois maintainer?]
Corinna Vinschen
- [PATCH] setup: fix FTP behavior on timeout
Corinna Vinschen
- libungif (was: Re: 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.))
Corinna Vinschen
- [ITP] Minor updates to singular-share, singular-help
Corinna Vinschen
- [ITP] ploticus, libploticus, ploticus-common, ploticus-doc (revised)
Corinna Vinschen
- postgresql-8.01 and 8.1 ready
Corinna Vinschen
- [ITP] qt3-3.3.4
Corinna Vinschen
- [ITP] Minor updates to singular-share, singular-help
Corinna Vinschen
- [ITP] ploticus, libploticus, ploticus-common, ploticus-doc (revised)
Corinna Vinschen
- Please test and upload graphviz-2.2.1-1
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
- [not GTG] Re: Please test and upload graphviz-2.2.1-1
- PING: [ITP] singular-*-3.0.0-1
Oliver Wienand
- PING: [ITP] singular-*-3.0.0-1
Oliver Wienand
- PING: [ITP] singular-*-3.0.0-1
Oliver Wienand
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Oliver Wienand
- [ITP] Minor updates to singular-share, singular-help
Oliver Wienand
- [ITP] Minor updates to singular-share, singular-help
Oliver Wienand
- [ITP] Minor updates to singular-share, singular-help
Oliver Wienand
- [ITP] libmad/libmad0/libmad-devel: A high-quality MPEG audio decoder
Charles Wilson
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Charles Wilson
- setup: how to handle circular dependencies?
Charles Wilson
- setup: how to handle circular dependencies?
Charles Wilson
- 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Charles Wilson
- 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Charles Wilson
- 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Charles Wilson
- 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Charles Wilson
- [ITP] ploticus, libploticus, ploticus-common, ploticus-doc (revised)
Charles Wilson
- [ITP] ploticus, libploticus, ploticus-common, ploticus-doc (revised)
Charles Wilson
- [ITP] ploticus, libploticus, ploticus-common, ploticus-doc (revised)
Charles Wilson
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Thomas Wolff
- lesstif packaging
Nicholas Wourms
- libungif (was: Re: 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.))
Nicholas Wourms
- Packages with unusual (wrong?) tarball names (db, xemacs)
Nicholas Wourms
- 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Nicholas Wourms
- [ITP] qt3-3.3.4
Nicholas Wourms
- 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Nicholas Wourms
- [PATCH] setup: fix FTP behavior on timeout
Nicholas Wourms
- 2nd summary (was Re: [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.)
Nicholas Wourms
- [ITP] gnome-libs-1.4.2
Nicholas Wourms
- PING: [ITP] singular-*-3.0.0-1
Dr. Volker Zell
- [ITP] texi2html: A highly customizable texinfo to HTML and other formats translator
Dr. Volker Zell
- [GTG] Re: PING: [ITP] singular-*-3.0.0-1
Dr. Volker Zell
- [ITP] qt3-3.3.4
Dr. Volker Zell
- [ITP] libmad/libmad0/libmad-devel: A high-quality MPEG audio decoder
Dr. Volker Zell
- [ITP] libmad/libmad0/libmad-devel: A high-quality MPEG audio decoder
Dr. Volker Zell
- [HEADSUP] ALL Maintainers, please reply.
Dr. Volker Zell
- please upload: lesstif-0.94.4-1 test release
Dr. Volker Zell
- [ITP] gnome-libs-1.4.2
Dr. Volker Zell
- [ITP] ploticus and ploticus-doc
Dr. Volker Zell
- [GTG] Re: [ITP] ploticus, libploticus, ploticus-common, ploticus-doc (revised)
Dr. Volker Zell
- updated package: gsl-1.6-2
- Update: apache-1.3.33-1
Last message date:
Fri Sep 30 23:14:00 GMT 2005
Archived on: Sun Mar 8 06:45:24 GMT 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).